M.S. in Internet Engineering
The Internet has become an economic reality, which spans almost all sectors of the society. Its next generation is expected to impact the lives of even more people than it does today.
The vision, design, implementation and development of this evolving communications infrastructure require a new type of technical workforce with a solid background in engineering, computing, management and entrepreneurship. The proposed MS program is complementary to the existing MS programs in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems and Telecommunications. The explosive growth in Internet and multimedia technologies demands engineering skills that entail internet working analysis, design and applications. These competencies cannot be learned through graduate degree programs available today. This program aims to produce engineers who understand the fundamentals of computer internet working and relevant emerging applications. The required courses provide the basics of Internet Engineering to students, who can, in turn, choose electives from the available course pool to tailor the program to their professional needs and interests. This program utilizes graduate courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Management Information Systems, and Management Programs at NJIT to provide the necessary blend of education required for strength in Internet Engineering. Five new graduate-level courses have been developed for this program.
Although the professional position title "Internet Engineering" is already being widely used for people with these skills in the job market, there are not any established MS programs available in universities at this point. There are a few emerging degree programs around information technologies which are currently available. It is expected that there will be many undergraduate and graduate degree programs offered by many universities in the coming few years since the demand for people with this expertise is tremendous. This trend is expected to continue for many more years.
The objective of this program is to educate students in the field of internet engineering, with emphasis on computer internetworking and relevant applications.
Admission Requirements
Applicants should have an undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or other relevant discipline from an accredited institution (or its equivalent). All applicants must submit scores on the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) verbal, quantitative, and analytical aptitude tests. Applicants with undergraduate degrees in computer science, computer engineering or electrical engineering from an accredited institution are expected to have a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. These students should have taken Math 333 (Probability and Statistics), or EE321 (Random Signal and Noise), or another equivalent course; EE333 (Signals and Systems); and CS 112 (Introduction to Computing or equivalent proficiency in C++ programming).
Bridge Program – The curriculum requires a basic knowledge of computer and communications fundamentals, such as signals and systems (EE 333), basic communication systems (EE 481), programming (CS 112 or C++ programming), data structures and algorithms (CS 505), and computer organization (ECE 251). The bridge courses are usually selected from this list, but some additional bridge courses, appropriate to each student's background, may be required.
Degree Requirements
Candidates must complete a minimum of 30 credits, 9 in core courses and 21 in elective courses.
The required courses provide the basics of Internet Engineering. Electives are to be chosen from the available course pool to tailor the program to the student’s professional needs and interests. This program utilizes graduate courses in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Management Information Systems, and Management Programs at NJIT. They provide the necessary blend of education required for appropriate strength in Internet Engineering.
Core Courses (9 Credits):
ECE 637 Internet and Higher Protocols
ECE 683 Computer Network Design and Analysis
CS 602 Java Programming
Electives (21 Credits)†:
Select 15 credits if completing a master’s thesis; 18 credits if completing a master’s project; 21 credits if not completing either a master’s project or a thesis.
ECE 636 Computer Networking Laboratory
ECE 638 Security & Network Management
ECE 639 Principles of Broadband Networks
ECE 645 Wireless Networks
ECE 649 Compression in Multimedia Engineering
ECE 673 Random Signal Analysis
ECE 681 High Performance Switches and Routers
ECE 685 Computer Network Interface Design
ECE 738 Communications Network Routing
ECE 745 Advanced Wireless Networks
ECE 783 Computer Communication Networks
ECE 788 Selected Topics in Internet Engineering
CS 604 Client/Server Computing
EM 636 Project Management
MGMT 620 Management of Technology
MIS 625 Management Strategies for E-Commerce
MIS 636 Telecommunications: Policies & Regulations
Project, Thesis (optional)
ECE 700 Master's Project in Internet Engineering (3 Credits)
ECE 701 Master's Thesis in Internet Engineering (6 Credits)