CoE Program Educational Objectives and Constituencies' Input
CoE Program Educational Objectives and Constituencies' Input
The CoE Program Educational Objectives are determined and evaluated through a regular consultation and examination process that involves four core constituents: Students, Alumni, Industry, and Faculty.
Student input is obtained through student feedback, interaction with Student Senate, student representation in faculty meetings, exit interviews with graduating students, student evaluation forms, and individual faculty-student advisee interaction.
Alumni input is obtained through a standing Industry Advisory Board (or IAB with more than 80% of ECE alumni), regular meetings with alumni representatives, surveys with ECE department alumni, and exit surveys with graduating students.
Industry input is obtained through a standing Industry/Alumni Advisory Board, surveys with industry participants at the bi-annual ECE senior design project courses and workshop, surveys with department alumni, surveys with participants in the NJIT Internship/Co-op Affiliate Program, and employer satisfaction surveys.
Faculty input is obtained through standing departmental committees (Undergraduate Curriculum/ABET Committee, etc.), regular faculty meetings, and departmental retreats.